As everyone heads back into the office the ‘to do’ lists hastily made in 2020, will be dusted off and removed from the desk drawer. On that post-it note will be some items that possibly became more of an obvious need by the end of a challenging 2020. Some will also be based on opportunities you really want to harness for this year.
Who gets to teach clients what good advice is?
For a long time, the financial services industry as a whole has been sending mixed messages to would-be clients about what advice actually is. It’s often a combination of going to see an adviser, buying a specific product, getting the best superannuation return…the list goes on.
Creating new habits in 2021
As we started 2021, I’m sure we all felt like we were letting go of a well-worn jacket – put quickly in the charity bin and never to be seen again (if you’re in Melbourne you might need a new one right about now #melbournesummer). But, alas, the year hasn’t started so clean and fresh.
Is being good at what we do enough anymore?
It’s fair to say that the advice industry has taken a fair pounding in the last few years. For many advisers and advice practices, they have rolled with the punches, taken on board the changes in requirements and continued to provide a valuable service to clients.
Why would I use a chatbot for my business?
The last few years have seen enormous changes within the marketing world, especially in the digital space. If you haven’t been doing any marketing for your business lately, then at the moment it’s kind of ‘blink’ and the next new thing has arrived. Of course, some of these new things come on fast and leave just as quickly. However, those of you who still think Facebook is a ‘fad’ and will pass…we probably need to chat.
The agony of creating social media content
“Just put a post up. It can’t be that hard.” These are famous last words for many business owners. We create a lot of content for our clients. Thoughtful, intelligent and aesthetically pleasing content. Which takes a lot of time to plan, write and design. And so it should. So how long do you think it can take to write a months worth of content?