Does your website attract the clients you really want?
A website for a business has become commonplace now, and if you don't have one, you're a bit of a unicorn. However, with that transition comes a plethora of websites that seem to look like the right digital front door for your business but often miss the mark.
Many websites are a mix of stock photos and standard text and miss simple ways to connect and convert with your ideal client. Considering your website is the way to attract and convert leads, this is a blindingly obvious missed opportunity.
However, it's easily fixed.
No need to dwell on what was. Simply get to it and fix the problems. You can implement some key fixes that will take a new visitor to the right places to consume the information you want. Here are just 5 to get you started:
- Get rid of stock photos. Humans love connecting with humans, which means they really want to see the people behind your business. However, if your photos look like you've just been arrested and photographed, make time with a great photographer and get some photos taken of you and your team.
- Know your best client. If you try and speak to everyone on your website, you'll end up connecting with no one. Make sure you know your ideal client(s) and have your copywriting reflect that.
- Have a path. Your website is part of the path when you attract a potential new lead. They land somewhere, maybe a social profile or a guest article somewhere. Then they land on your website. What content do you want them to consume? How are you directing traffic? This is how you both connect and filter the right sort of opportunity.
- Provide value. Can you give someone who visits your website access to something of value? They may not want a meeting with you yet, so think outside the square. Can you give them access to an audio of you explaining an idea or strategy? What about a report or checklist? Do you have a training video? Anything you can provide in exchange for an email is valuable and will take a website visitor further along the path.
- Convert them. Give people an opportunity to connect with you. Some will be ready to book a call or meeting, but some are still deciding. So give those people who want to connect in person an opportunity via a calendar facility - let them do it now. Make sure you have the 'provide value' pieces set up for others who are still getting to know you. Anyone who gets on your email list is now a captive audience and could become a future client.
Some simple steps to get you started and make your website a better tool for your business.
Book a free audit of your website copy if you want to put some new year plans in place. We can give you some tips on what needs to be changed and where you have some low-hanging fruit.
Get 2023 off to a great start! Head to the link to book a spot.

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